
Pooja Nataraj

A seasoned professional with 13 years of experience in the fields of impact, brand management, and marketing communications. Currently based in Milan, Italy, she is deeply passionate about sustainability and the triple bottom line, constantly seeking practical solutions that prioritize people and the planet.

Academic Foundation

Pooja's academic background includes an MBA in Sustainability Management and a Diploma in Management from IIM, Calcutta (LDMP). This foundation forms the basis of her comprehensive understanding of the complex interplay between sustainability and business.

Business Expertise

Pooja's expertise encompasses various aspects of marketing, including brand, content, performance marketing, and sustainability reporting. Leading PNJXN, a full-service marketing and communications agency based in India, her team has been successfully servicing clients globally for over five years.

Impact Reporting

Pooja's proficiency in sustainability reporting ensures ImPart remains transparent and accountable. Through meticulous reporting, she conveys the tangible impact of our initiatives, keeping our community informed and inspired.

Sustainable Value Co-Creation

Actively champions sustainable value co-creation, fostering partnerships that go beyond traditional business boundaries. ImPart Collective becomes a nexus for businesses, communities, and ecosystems to create lasting positive change.

Impact Investment advocate

actively champions sustainable value co-creation, fostering partnerships that go beyond traditional business boundaries. ImPart Collective becomes a nexus for businesses, communities, and ecosystems to create lasting positive change.

Stakeholder Management 

Excels at Stakeholder Engagement with her experience of working with teams & clients globally.

Current Members

Our members come from various industries bringing diverse insights to make each project successful with their out of the box sustainability strategies.

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ImPart Collective

A synergy of global thought leaders across diverse industries, united by a singular mission to guide businesses in their journey towards a sustainable green economy. 

© The ImPart Collective | 2024